TPG Oil & Gas Sdn. Bhd. [201301038953 (1068776-M)] is incorporated in Malaysia in 2013 as a private limited company. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of CB Industrial Products Holding Berhad [199701013434 (428930-H)], a public company listed in Bursa Malaysia. The Company has its plants and refinery facilities located at the Industrial Park, Tanjung Langsat, Pasir Gudang, Johor, Malaysia.

Johor Corporation & its Subsidiary Company TPM Technopark Sdn. Bhd. [199201011241 (242744-X)] has established Industrial Development Division since 1970s and has successfully developed and managed 32 Industrial Estates/Parks covering an area of almost 5,000 hectares throughout the State of Johor.
TTSB has spent approximately USD 200 million in developing these 32 Industrial and Especially Biofuel Park located in Tanjung Langsat Industrial Complex.
The Biofuel Complex has got its well infrastructure provided such as Pipeline Facilities & Tank Farm which will be connected to the jetty for easy transportation options with economical operations.
Johor Corporation owns operations and business interests not only in Malaysia, yet expanded into Singapore, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand, Bangladesh and Australia.

The current value of the Facility is the region of MYR100 million consisting of a 134,000 metric tons refinery and a 120,000 metric tons bio-diesel plant sited on a 4,047 hectares land At Kawasan Perindustrian Tanjung Langsat, Pasir Gudang, Johor, Malaysia.
The biodiesel plant has a total processing capacity of 350 metric tons per day with an additional of 400 metric tons per day pre-treatment plant.
This Facility also consist of supporting utilities such as tank farm with total storage capacity of 23,000 metric tons, boilers, cooling towers, Effluent Treatment Plant, Compressor air system, etc.
The Facility site has direct acesss to the pipeline connectivity from the Pasir Gudang Jetty.
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