Since the 1980s, CBIP has been equipping palm oil mills in Malaysia and around the world.
Financial Reports

Annual Report 2023
Equipping palm oil mills with green and innovative technologies around the world

Quarterly Report
Bursa Announcement
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What Clients Saying
To us, continuous sterilization is the biggest breakthrough in the milling technology in recent times. There are so many advantages, not only in sterllization but all around the mill, and that the decision to buy a CS mill is so easy to make.
Mr Rodrigo Erales, General Manager
INDESA – PADESA. Guatemala, Centroamerica
Multiple advantages and benefits after implementing the Continuous Sterlization system.
– Period of construction is fast with lower capital outlay;
– It is compact and required less space that makes it easy to control the operation; and
– Low operation costs as it does not require front end equipments such as rails tracks, transfer cages, FFB cages, tipper, hoist, capstan, bollard, winches, blowdown and blow up silencer.
Kurniawan Siregar
Mill Manager, PT Astra Agro Lestari
It is an honor and pleasure to quote that the main reason for us to get involved with Modipalm Engineering Sdn. Bhd. was because the Continuous Sterilization Forum 2008 was held in Kuching, Sarawak had provided a very open discussion for all major palm oil plantation companies around the world about the Modipalm Continuous Sterilization system. We saw the automation in operation, better cost efficiency, greater oil loss recovery and making the palm oil mill environment healthier in the Modipalm Continuous Sterilization system
Mr Gustavo Yurrita, Project Engineer