Automate & Simplify The Whole Process
Solutions For Develop Better Strategies
Since the 1980s, CBIP has been equipping palm oil mills in Malaysia and around the world with high quality processing equipment and replacement parts. Over the years, our products have gained a reputation in the industry for excellent workmanship, consistent high quality and unsurpassed reliability.

PalmitEco Engineering Sdn. Bhd. [201501005813 (1131144-D)]
PalmitEco and boasting our patented Modipalm Continuous Sterilisation system, a revolutionary initiative we jointly developed with the Malaysian Palm Oil Board, we are a one-stop centre for the design, supply, construction and installation of palm oil mills with the capacity to undertake turnkey projects of various sizes, both Modipalm Continuous Sterilisation mills and conventional mills, ranging from capacities of 5-tonnes per hour to 120-tonnes per hour.

AVP Engineering (M) Sdn. Bhd. [199401020156 (305835-A)]
Our history in the special purpose vehicle business began with the incorporation of AVP Engineering in 1994. Focusing on the designing, fabrication, manufacturing, retrofitting and maintenance works of a range of special purpose vehicle notably fire fighting & rescue vehicles and ambulances, our special purpose vehicle division has since developed into a viable and significant business segment of our Group.

Advance Boilers Sdn. Bhd. [198901007673 (184975-W)]
Our history in the steam energy business began with the incorporation of Advance Boilers in 1993. Lead by an experience management team made up of engineers, we are primarily involved in the designing, manufacturing, installation, testing, commissioning and maintenance works of boilers and unfired pressure vessels.

Banking on the success of our success in the engineering and equipment and special purpose vehicles business segment, we have over the years, gradually diversified into the upstream business of oil palm plantation through a series of strategic acquisitions.

TPG Oil & Gas Sdn. Bhd. [201301038953 (1068776-M)]
TPG Oil & Gas Sdn. Bhd. [201301038953 (1068776-M)] is incorporated in Malaysia in 2013 as a private limited company.
It is a wholly owned subsidiary of CB Industrial Products Holding Berhad [199701013434 (428930-H)], a public company listed in Bursa Malaysia. The Company has its plants and refinery facilities located at the Industrial Park, Tanjung Langsat, Pasir Gudang, Johor, Malaysia.